Abdulrahim Place's前花园的景观改造设计由两个装置艺术作品 "Khao Mo "和 "Golden Cloud "以及作为陆地雕塑艺术的 "The Green Carpet "组成。这三件艺术作品被和谐地安装在花园里,以 "人与自然的关系"为理念,同时也等待着游客去发现它们的意义。
A landscape renovation design for front garden of Abdulrahim Place’s is comprised of two installation artworks, Khao Mo and Golden Cloud, and The Green Carpet as a sculptural land art. These three artworks had been harmoniously installed in the garden, humbled by the idea of “relationship between people and nature” and also waiting for visitors to discover their meanings.
神话般的逃避主义,Khao Mo是给观众与艺术品互动的时间的信仰之山。他们可以从过去到现在,从高高在上到公众的金云,一个雄伟的艺术品矗立在建筑入口前,邀请人们看里面和外面,作为想象、成长和永恒的反映。
The Mythical Escapism, Khao Mo, is the mountain of faith that given time to interact with the artwork for audiences. They can journey from the past to the present, from exalted down to the public Golden Cloud, a majestic artwork standing in front of the building entrance, invite people to look inside and beyond, as a reflection of imagination, growing and eternity.
最后是The Green Carpet,作为一个雕塑性的土地艺术,游客在绿毯中行走的同时,会感受到两边显露的土层。夯实的土墙,地貌的层次,也给大家带来被自然拥抱的感性体验。
Last, The Green Carpet, as a sculptural land art, visitors will experience the revealing soil layers on both sides, while walking through the green carpet. Rammed earth walls, the landform’s layers, also give the perceptual experience of being embraced by nature to everyone.
Company name: Sanitas Studio
Website: https://sanitasstudio.com/
Contact e-mail: admin@sanitasstudio.com
Project location: Abdulrahim Place, 990 Rama IV, Silom, Bangrak, Bangkok, Thailand
Completion Year: 2017
Building area (m²): 3,900 m²
Photo credits: Panoramic Studio
非常感谢 Sanitas Studio 供稿分享
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